江峰: 川普反制中共的“终极杀”    终止港币美元自由兑换

20-05-29 的自由贸易政策”,这份对香港的优惠,其实就是基于一句话:香港不是中国(Hong Kong is not China.)。这完全是基于《中英联合声明》保障的一个民主自由法治的香港的存在,才跟你这么做生意...

Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 you rather be ruled by Taiwan’s system of governance? So it’s not a question of independence, but who...

非洲疫情开出巨额账单 习近平怎么办?

20-04-22 reads the riot act to the Chinese ambassador.We will not tolerate maltreatment of Nigerians in China...

Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 the divine not to do bad things again. They also had to promise that, were they to do wrong again...

Monkey King at Fire Mountain 《西游记》故事:火焰山

20-03-16 their sacred journey westward, but not before returning the treasure to its owner.And for her part...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings, and these prohibitions will not only apply to the...


20-03-02 的学术期刊之一美国《科学》杂志发表了〈武汉海鲜市场可能并非是武汉肺炎病毒向全球扩散的发源地〉(Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus...

一心不可二用 One Must be Single-Minded

20-02-13 not indicate his skill was poor. He recounted the story of a man who was once the greatest...

What is the best assistance in life   人生的靠山是什么?

20-02-11 precious asset a person possesses. It determines whether he can be successful or not and is the best...

Things You Need to Know About the 2020 Chinese New Year/2020中国新年小知识

20-01-24 claim it, a custom that is called qiang hongbao or “snatching red pockets.”CleanlinessChinese do not...

The Power of Faith

20-01-09 really could not swim on. He was ready to sink. “Give it up,” he said to himself. At that moment, he...

The Value of a Kind Heart

19-12-26 could not bear it so he put the fawn down. The mother deer ignored Qin Xiba standing there and rushed to...

纽约州开启《绿灯法案》 申请驾照人数暴增

19-12-26 的身分证明文件及出生证明;申请者须通过笔试和路考,但这种驾照不能用于乘坐飞机,驾照上面注有“不能用于联邦用途”(NOT FOR FEDERAL PURPOSES)的字样。根据车管局的规定,注明“不能用于...


16-01-04 自己的情绪或思维作出选择,通过转移你的专注力,你就能容易地、随时随地地进入你的右半球大脑作主的状态,而让左半球的功能运作仅作为被你使用的工具,永不再被它控制,因为,You are not your...


16-01-01 , not neutral. A fool is neutral but not impartial.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。To know what it is that you know, and...

Virtue Brings Prosperity to One's Family 积德家昌

15-12-31 I'm not going to leave this time." Soon, a son was born into the Zhang family. It was Zhang...


15-12-26 的绰号。NO.9 蒂姆-邓肯虽然,直到高中,邓肯才碰篮球,但是邓肯仍然成长为巨星,目前的身家大约是1.5亿美元。(Although he did not pick up basketball until...

Zhao Sheng, the Tao Seeker(2) 赵升求道 摘桃

15-12-25 It will be great if I can pick a large peach from the tree. If I cannot land on the tree, I am not...


15-12-19 , a cultivator will not be able to complete his cultivation.Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a man...

Unfilial and Murder-Plotting Mayor Struck by Lightning

15-12-11 said that Zhuo was his colleague, and that a person like Zhuo could not be tolerated by the heavens....


15-12-10 、“绝对不行”(absolutely not):掌心向外,两只手臂在胸前交叉,然后再张开至相距一米左右。12、“完了”(that\‘s all):两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出。13...


15-12-08 Documentation Form (不做心肺复苏):DNR/DNI 全称 Do Not Resuscitate ( 不要压胸复苏 ) / Do Not Intubate ( 不要插管 ) 。指的是当病人的心脏突然停跳...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 to be returned immediately, paying back both the principal and interest. Chen is not a decent man...


15-11-24 does not provide case status information .  以上就是关于P1的阶段的介绍,相信大家对P1阶段以及有了一个比较清晰的认识,那么接下来带领大家来认识一下P2阶段...

【英文对照赏析】Control Oneself and Suppress Anger 克己制怒

15-11-23 a very tolerant person that everyone respected.In the examples above, these gentlemen were not so...


15-11-08 Niko,"Hey dad... This rappelling? Yuh, I'm not a fan."Posted by Vancouver Police...


15-11-06 和卖主商量好,因为卖主也要在场的。美国的税从6-8%不等,因州而异。当然如果价钱报得低,在车的质量一栏里也要相应调整,比如说不要写condition是excellent,要写fair,not great...


15-11-05 ) 四百击7.8/10 ( 4177)178.Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 辣手摧花7.8/10 (3690)179.To Be or Not to Be (1942) 你逃我也逃7.8...

【英文对照赏析】心诚敬畏 可感苍天 Sincerity and Reverence Can Touch Heaven

15-10-11 the first day."Wang Su responded, "I am not the director of astronomy, but I am sure that it...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 accident, so it's my word against hers.这是说不清的事情。21. It's not my pigeon.[字面意思]不是我的鸽子。[解释]不关我的事...

印度的一项绝技 让中美2国望尘莫及

15-10-04 的经济体,难道我们不能梦想一个20万亿美元的印度吗?”(India is a2 trillion dollar economy today. Can we not dream of an India...

【英文对照赏析】 “仁君”风范:纳言克己 The Demeanor of a Benevolent Emperor: Open-Minded and Displaying Self-Restrain

15-10-04 view, avoid falling into the trap of not being able to see one's own wrongdoings and thus causing...


15-10-04 ,大陆网民看不到,只要他们访问该网页,即会出现“404 not found”的讯息,所以他们称习近平与扎克伯格的会面为习“接见404 not found网站负责人”。新浪客户端等网路平台于10月3日报导说...


15-09-27 is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple...


15-09-28 现在我一天天走上正轨you shared my darkest moment 你陪我度过最黑暗的时期coz the road is so long to walk all alone 因为孤单的道路还漫长...

脸书在大陆被封 习近平脸书页面报道访美全程 图

15-09-26 开得到的页面显示为“404 not found”。网友将这一会见称为“国家主席习近平在美国会见了404 not found网站负责人”,还有网友创意说,“根据当地法律法规部份搜索结果未显示接见了404...

【英文对照赏析】 亡灵借体退赃,坚持操守清白 Adhering to Ethics, even after Death

15-09-24 my record and I’ll have to pay the consequences in the afterlife. I do not want to use the State'...

一场超棒的演讲 让我顿悟人生的两个秘密

15-07-04 只能当个平凡人?”相信每位创业者在夜深人静时,都不免怀疑过自己。到底该相信自己?还是相信命运?To be or not to be, is a question!相对于宿命论,信奉“自由意志”的态度则是...


15-06-15 ;Not understanding him Zengshi asked, "What do you mean?" Zixiao replied, "One day I was...

SAT考试压力大 加州16岁华裔女孩离家出走(图)

15-06-08 VanegasPo文给胡密芮,“Not sure how many book the US can publish before u read them all”。同时,胡密芮所就读的圣玛利诺高中5月下旬才宣布,该校...